Friday, January 12, 2007

10 Year Term Life Insurance In All It's Glory

by: Donald Lusan

If you are looking for inexpensive life insurance may be the 10 year term life insurance policy would fit your need perfectly. This is life insurance in its simplest form. The policy contains a guaranteed death benefit from the outset and a guaranteed level premium. After the initial 10 years some life insurance companies allow you to renew the policy for an additional 10 years at an increased premium. This 10 year term policy provides you with ample insurance for small outlay over a fairly short period of time.

Policy Death Benefit

If you are the proud owner of a 10 year term life insurance policy. If you should die within 10 years of your ownership of this policy the full face amount is paid to your beneficiary, either in a lump sum or in the form of a monthly income. The monthly income may take one of several different income options. You may choose to take a life income with no certain period. After the beneficiary begins receiving the income if s/he should die suddenly that would be the end of the income. No one would get anything more from that 10 year life insurance policy. It does not matter if the income is paid only for one month. There are other options that would assure you, however, that would assure your beneficiaries more of a pay out.

You could choose to pay them a life income with a 10 or 20 year certain. This would guarantee that the income is paid for 10 or 20 years respectively. You could choose a fixed period option which would guarantee that the income is paid out for a fixed period, example 20 years or you could use the interest option, which would keep your principal in tact and pay only interest to beneficiaries for a specific period of years. At the end of this period the principal would be paid.

Term Insurance Conversion Privelege

Most term insurance policies have built in a conversion privelege. The 10 year term life insurance policy is no exception. This is because term insurance is temporary insurance and people usually have a permanent for life insurance. You can convert your policy usually to any permanent policy within a specific period of time. Some companies limit your conversion period to 8 years, whereas others may allow the policy owner the full 10 years.

Available Riders To Your Policy

There are certain riders that you can add to your 10 year term life insurance policy which would tremendously increase it's value to yourself and your beneficiaries. You may add the waiver of premium disability rider. If you should become disabled, anytime after 6 months of disability, the life insurance company will pay your premiums for you even if it is for the entire duration of the policy. Now, isn't that just great?

Another rider that you can add is the accidental death benefit rider. This is sometimes referred as the double indemnity rider. If you should die in an accident the life insurance company will pay double the death benefit to your beneficiaries.

Minimums And Maximums

There are certain minimum and maximum amounts of 10 year term life insurance that insurance companies will be prepared to issue on an applicants life. This may vary by age and medical history. Some companies may be prepared to issue between $20,000 and $1,000,000, others may start at 100,000 and go as high as $10,000,000 or $20,000,000.

Living Benefit Riders

The aids virus brought about a fairly new idea which many life insurance companies have adopted. Because of a tremendous need for additional cash terminally ill people may sell their policy to investors for a percentage of its value. As an alternative you can add a rider to your policy which would allow you to withdraw a portion of your death benefit during your lifetime. This is called a living benefit rider. It would serve to ease the pressure on the terminally ill and their families.

Spouse And Child Term Riders

Many insurance companies offer the opportunity for you to add a comparatively small term life insurance rider on the life of your spouse and children. These riders are usually 5 year term or 10 year term riders which work out to be less expensive than had the policies been bought separately.

Click on the link below to learn more about 10 year term life insurance and other similar types of life insurance.

About The Author
Donald Lusan
For more than 40 years Donald has been known for his extensive knowledge of the life insurance business. He has represented some of the largest and best life insurance companies in the United States as well as Canada. His advice is invaluable. Donald's website is:


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